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Rick Dorn
The Blood That Reaches Back
Sometimes we feel distant from God. We're ashamed of our mistakes, worried we've messed up too badly for His forgiveness, burdened by the...

Rick Dorn
Let God, Order Your Footsteps
When you let go, and let God lead you, you don’t have to worry about reaching your destination because if it is in his will, it will be...

Rick Dorn
And I Don't Believe He Brought Me This Far to Leave Me
When you hear from God, you will know its God. His voice is distinct. His presence powerful. His instructions may seem impossible, BUT...

Rick Dorn
What God Has for Me is for Me
Covid-19 cases are on the rise as the first day of school draws closer. It is only natural to expect some pandemonium during this...

Rick Dorn
Your Praise is a Weapon
God has a way of doing great things when we least expect it. The same God that delivered Daniel from the Lion's Den, can have an...

Rick Dorn
Love will Keep us Together
The “Great Thing” about God is His timing. God may not come when you want Him, but he's always on time. What you do in between having...

Rick Dorn
Stand Still and Wait for The Goodness of God's Grace
The court of public opinion allows for everyone to be a judge, and yet a follower amongst followers in fear of being on the wrong side of...

Rick Dorn
Letter to #TheAdorns: "Don't Give In to Anger, Give It to God"
In a matter of days, the world saw an unarmed black man murdered by his neighborhood watch for looking suspicious while jogging,...
Rick Dorn
"Great Thing" Right Under Your Nose
Family. Probably, one of the GREATEST things God is doing right now, is bringing family back together. Many of us might think “I was...
Rick Dorn
Looking for Great Things
This is an incredible time, because we serve an incredible God. No matter how things are looking and what you hear on the news, you can...
Rick Dorn
Recently you have been hearing words such as “Stay”, or “Stay home, save lives.” No one likes being told to stay or wait. Webster’s...
Rick Dorn
Part 2: Get Back Up Again!
In my last post, we talked about getting back up again when we dropped the ball on our weight loss journey. The truth is, I really...
Rick Dorn
Get Back Up Again!
OK, I know it’s that time of year...has the few extra pounds gained over the holiday season, put you in a little funk? You say to...
Rick Dorn
How To Encourage Yourself When You Feel Like You Have No Purpose
Sometimes, it's hard to pinpoint all the reasons why you feel down and out! When you don't know what's really going on with yourself, how...
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